formfoundation GmbH
Goerzallee 299
14167 Berlin
Tel.: +49 (0)30 270 00 68 -0
Authorised Managing Director:
Michael R.R. Wagner
AG Berlin-Charlottenburg
HRB 170232 B
VAT ID: DE 302 205 238
Conceptualisation, design, programming & implementation
eSpark - Marketing & Web Agency Berlin
Centre for IT & Media
Am Studio 2
12489 Berlin
+49 (0)30 / 346 461 850
Photo credits:
Photos projects and insights: Property of formfoundation GmbH
Photo Job 1 - Pixabay - concept-1868728 - Pexels
Photo Job 2 - Pixabay - startup-594090 - StartupStockPhotos
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